Sunday, March 27, 2022

An Amusing Dream

 "Ever wonder just how you get an idea? Maybe a bit of inspiration? Or maybe it's a big ol' 'EUUUUREKA!' moment? What? You thought about that all by yourself? Look at you, all grown up and gettin' thoughts! Really, though, every once in a while, I'll give ya a lil hand and squeeze some of that brain juice out to reaaally get those creative juices flowing!

Who am I? WHO AM I?!? Well, ya heard of Muses, right? Norse- NO, Greek mythology? Sisters? Each had their own shindig that humans at the time thought they were responsible for? Yep, knew that'd ring a bell! WELL... I ain't them. They're long gone, see? Saw how their gods were doin', read all papers about Zeus bangin' everything in sight, and noped on outta there! No, no, no, no, no, I'm like them, but not actually them, capiche? Miss Amanda Muse is the name, and inspiration's my game! Here's my business card, an exclusive t-shirt, and a branded kazoo for ya! No need to thank me, you won't have 'em once you wake up anyway.

I come in your dreams, in your lil sleepy addled thoughts, and give ya ideas! You wouldn't remember me, I look different every time dependin' on the dream! Your dreams goin' wild and crazy? I miiight have been fiddlin' around your noggin. For example, ooonce upon a time, yours truly popped into a dream, some sorta Pokemon battle thing! Decided to transform into a cat thing that can change based on the genre of music its usin', and whaddya know, that same cat was summoned by one of Wize Guy's gang for somethin' or other! Only once, but once is enough for me!

I don't do that all the time, though. All work and no play makes Muse a dull girl and all! Sometimes I just pop in and just turn into whatever and see if I stick out enough for someone to remember that oooone itty bitty detail. Bit of prankstery stuff, not really expectin' that it'd inspire, say, Adeline to paint the Sistine Chapel or somethin'! Just havin' some good ol' fun, y'see? Hey, it's borin' when you're just stuck in the Dream World and can't enjoy the better things in life like maple syrup and waffles! No, I ain't bitter or nothin', no siiirreee.

So maybe every once in a while, say, 'Thanks Miss Muse!' If ya lucid dream, then share a martini with me! Or a Manhattan! Sure, if ya lucid dream we can get down and dirty. I ain't too shy about it- wait, hold HANDS?! Woah, you're movin' at the speed of light on this relationship, buddy! 

Naaah, just joshin' ya, kid! Ya ever met Auntie Anne? Yeah? I'm kinda like her, but I come to you instead of you goin' to her! That, and I ain't here to give advice aside from stop abusing the thesaurus, ya dumbass! Spammin' said's FINE! Ignore whoever said ya always gotta use fancy-schmancy words to spice up your story! Said just rolls off the brain like water off a duck, so use those special words for somethin' that needs a POP!

What, you wanna remember me? Not many people can do that, no sir! Lucid dreamers can maybe figure it out, but most of the time, your dream'll be slippin outta your brain faster than you can think about any enseey-weensie details. Don't give me that look, I know what I'm gettin' myself into! I don't need to be remembered, I just wanna leave some sorta IMPACT! Bring somethin' new to the table so that new ideas get put into action! Everybody remembers the warrior who did all the heavy liftin', but not so much the bard who tags along and give him a helpin' hand, and y'know what?  That's fine by me!

N-no, I don't need company or nothin'. A dream spirit's bound to be forgotten, and if you ain't cozy with that, this ain't the job for ya. Yeah, it gets lonely since ya gotta go through this whole thing of 'are ya worthy of bein' one of us' and lemme tell ya, that application process takes so long, your bod's gonna be half rotted six feet under before they even call ya up for an interview! 'Wait, i have to be DEAD to be one of them?' Well, duh! Things get complicated otherwise. Doubt you'd want to basically be in a coma with your body shrivelin' up like a prune while your brain's stuck on REM sleep mode tryin' to do dream spirit stuff. Naaaasty stuff. They stopped that after a whole controversy centuries ago, but I won't bore ya with the details. 

Whoops, look at the time! You're fadin'! Sorry, seems like we gotta say 'sayonara'! Maybe if ya practice writin' down dreams, maybe you'll remember me a lil better! Don't worry, we'll see each other again, one way or another! Maybe I'll look different! Maybe I won't! Just make sure to take what ya can remember and see  if you can make somethin' out of it! Adios, muchachos!"

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