Friday, February 20, 2015

A Simple Request

"Lady Fortuna."

 It had been ages since he had come to a shrine devoted solely to the goddess of fortune. The last time he did, it was to pray for their success in slaying Yursarsh once and for all. That was merely a distant memory now, though... and he had something more important than merely praying.

 The air seemed to shimmer for a moment as the ghastly visage of Fortuna appeared, wearing robes that reminded him of the night sky, pink locks flowing down her back.

 "My, fortune seems to smile upon me!" she said with a smile. "It is rare that any of my followers ask for my appearance."

 "I am sorry, but it is a little... urgent. Just a little. How have you been?"

 "I've seen better days. I have never lost so many Bingo games against Ursula in a row! Honestly, you'd think the goddess of fortune would have better luck !"

 "You could just rig it in your favor, my Lady..."

 "But that wouldn't be fair, would it? I have to give people a chance; otherwise, what fun is it? Anyway, I did hear from the grapevine you were getting married, yes?"

 "Wh-what? Who told you-"

 "Ursula. She knows everything, you know. Besides, you know what your friend Xavier did the minute he heard about it? Told her. Essentially squealed like a shy schoolgirl who found a favorite book in the library! Well, so I'm told~! You have my blessings, and if you don't invite me to your wedding, I'm making sure that you roll straight 1s for the next battle!"


 "Oops! You didn't hear anything, dear Alex~! Anyway, what did you need?"

 "Well, um... I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

 "Considering you and some others just obliterated a thousand blights upon the universe, I think the gods owe you more than just a favor, but sure! Speak up loud and clear!"

 "...I want to get rid of my immortality."

 Silence hung like a thick curtain as the goddess stared at Alex. It was a bit unnerving, but he was sure that it didn't mean anything horrible.

 "Most people would kill for immortality, Alex... Why is it that you wish to discard yours?"

 There was no hesitation in his voice as he spoke loud and clear enough for his voice to echo through the shrine.

 "Because I don't want to outlive Sarah by thousands of years! It doesn't mean anything if she doesn't have it, either! I simply want to live a simple life with her, with no extra demigodness or immortality or anything. Just a normal life."

 His heart beat against his chest as the silence came back, thicker than ever. He almost thought that the Lady would mock him, for none was as fickle as she.

 But she smiled after a time, and placed her hand on his head.

"If that is what you desire, then allow me to take away the eternity that we have thrust upon you."

 And so the weight of eternity was lifted, and Alex was free to relax. The visage seemed to shimmer again before fading away, leaving him with an ever-knowing wink.

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