Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Okay, I'm Back

Sorry for the loooong absence, guys. I haven't done a real post for a bit, and there's many reasons why. Soooo...

For one thing, college picked up. These classes were no joke. Psychology and Chemistry were.. uuuugh, they were terrible. Well, Psychology was fun, but uuurgh I will forever hate chemistry with all of my damn heart and soul. SO MUCH MAAATHS URGH

Another thing, I was lazy. Lazy and apathetic. I always kept putting things off for "the next day" until I just stopped caring altogether.

And lastly, I was busy meeting new pals on the net. I was going out to video game streams, actually started making video LPs, started doing streams of my own. I met Inurian, which made me even more busy, since I was now up playing awesome MMOs (at least, in my opinion) and writing stories. It was pretty fun, but in the process, I kinda forgot my blog existed... whoops.

Expect a few more regular updates from now on.

Anyway, I guess I can talk about Yuran Durell here. I actually got the idea for an empath pretty early on during the break. I kind of wanted to have a relatively more normal person in the bar, aside from the fact that he's.. well, a mutant. I think I'm kind of failing at it, but hey, empathy! Mood ring colors! Yay! I haven't gotten all THAT sorted out yet, though. I might have to make him a bit more capable of doing damage to anything that might threaten him, buuut I dunno. I might just bring in either Garnet or another new character (or both) into the ring. I need someone capable of fighting and Fiting, after all!

Can't always be all rainbooze and moonshine. Wait...

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, writing Sarah without Alex has been interesting. I've been trying to show she's more than just "hug Alex and eat 50 pancakes". I also have some sort of storyline/villain planned for her and her family, but that won't be until later, since I'm already juggling Widow Maker, the Bikers, Dr. Bulgrave, and Browny, so returning full force to the Final Fantasy Family isn't high on my priorities.
