Friday, February 21, 2014

School, Dungeons, and Other Personal Things

Note: This talks about personal shit, obviously. If you're more interested in my dungeons and dragons char concept, scroll down. If you're wondering how I'm doing in general, scroll AAAALLL the way down. 

Well, school's back up. The 200 dollar plane tickets are rolling in, but I'm not even sure I can get a ride. Spring break is 3 weeks away. And by spring break, I can probably sorta tell you guys about my classes. I don't need to wait that long, because holy shit, its been a doozy. 3+ weeks of school is probably enough to judge most of my classes. Now, here's my little list of classes:

History - This is supposed to be a class I take my sophomore year, but after some fuckups on my part,
I wasn't able to take it then. Its certainly fun, though! The teacher talks about it so excitedly and always seems so hype about it. He also explains it in interesting ways, which I am thankful for. History can be so damn boring with the wrong kind of teacher. Just look at me at high school: "bluh bluh bluh amuricah" "um what" Then I end up with a D in the class. (I was also lazy as shit.) After that last test I took, though, there's this one guy sitting near me and trying to copy my stuff. There are a few girls that tend to talk shit about the class. If you're gonna sit here and snark, sit in the back, geez. Either way, I like this class, I don't particularly like my classmates.

Spanish 101 - So I mentioned I was hispanic, yes? "But Harpy, why are you taking this class if you are?" Because I suck shit at it. The teacher is also kinda chill and a bit exciting, but I tend to tune her out after a while. I also tend to cringe when people pronounce a spanish word I know of wrong, but that's probably just me. Not much to say, it kinda gets boring by the nature of the class of have and reading out of the book. Praticing words out loud, etc. I also get a bit annoyed at people who ask for the definition for a word... that we explained just a few seconds ago. Seriously, at least pay attention a tiny bit?

I say as I tap away on my keyboard..

Genetics- Oh lawdy. I admit, the class is a little boring. I just tend to tune the teacher out, but I should probably pay more attention. Either way, nothing special for now, just kinda Zzzz. Lab is more interesting and hands on.  I mean, we're gonna do fly labs! ONLINE! And I actually learned statistics easier here than in my actual Stats class. Like, holy dicks, dude.

Physics- UUUUUGH. I... I really dislike the physics lecture. I really do. The teacher is nice, but she has a difficult accent, doesn't explain things too well, doesn't go over homework problems herself, and, recently, canceled class and pushed a test back without informing anyone via email, since she told everybody she wasn't taking attendence this week. Seriously. Communicate, woman! I turned up
yesterday ready to take a test (and probably fail half of it?). I might have gotten myself a bias, though, as she called me out on my laptop usage but...not everybody else who had a laptop? She said someone complained about it, but why are you banning them when your powerpoints are online and you go too fast? Sigh, its irritating...

Now, LAB? Okay, Lab's good. All boring stuff at first: measurements and graphing and all. The teacher mades sure to give powerpoint copies and explain just about everything. Sure, its a bit droll, but he makes sure to be complete about it. My classmates are okay, too. I get to lead a group, since nobody else would like to tell directions. I don't particularly like doing that, but whatever to get the job done, eh?

Medical Sociology-  The absolute best class. I don't even care I'm not allowed my laptop, its the best.
The teacher is fun and doesn't take bullshit (if you cheat, you fail the course. Full stop.). Her tests are easy to understand and are pretty much "Write as much as you can". She gives you a study guide and talks about every damn point on there, if not most of them. If she doesn't talk about it, its not on the test. She also kind of gets you thinking about how people tend to act when it comes to medical issues. One class, we got into groups and read an article about whether or not inmates should donate organs and, if they could, should they get some sort of compensation? Pretty complex stuff.

I'd have that teacher for all my classes if I could, but I'm not a Sociology major. Nor a minor. Derp.
That's all for school stuff. Now what the fuck is up with the dungeons part? Well, I'm joining in on Cornwind Evil's Dungeons and Dragons campaign, even though I forgot like half the shit about it. I need something to fill in my saturdays, and I can't say "no" to new friends, right? Possibly? Maybe?

The character concept here is a half-elf that wants to be a fairy (or IS a fairy? HMM), working as an Invoker who pretty much blasts everything. Arrogant, intimidating in spite of her size. Probably more than eager to bash some faces in. Probably sorta Good (I forgot Chaotic Good isn't even in 4th Ed.), since she doesn't tollerate people abusing others. She's the hammer of vengence for those who can't speak for themselves, and holy shit, she is piiisssed. She would leave diplomatic affairs to other people and rather go brawl in a bar (or at least get some information out of people) than sit around listening to people talk, talk, talk, talk.

 The way her spells are set up, Kristina is a little ball of wrath waiting to happen. Psychic powers are there to fuck up the minds of others. Thunder powers to daze them before letting a very sharpy and pointy angel fuck their shit up. All her feats? Focused around either bashing the everloving shit out of everybody's skulls with magic, or making her go fast.

Very fast.

Very, very, VERY fast.

As far as stats go:

Str: 9
Dex: 11
Con: 19
Wis: 21
Int: 16
Cha: 15

For those of you who don't play D&D, I'm gonna summarize it: Her strength is lacking. Swatting at a goblin is only a last resort, and it never will be. Her hits feel like being slapped with a wet noodle than an actual weapon actually clanking against steel. She's not particularly nimble either, just bumbling around like a duck and prone to possibly tripping on her face. However, she's not the type to get sick or go down easily, even for a mage. If you hit her, she's not gonna drop like a sack of potatos. No, Kristina's gonna take it. Then she's gonna crush your mind and make you regret ever getting close to her. She knows the streets and land well, not from books or anything, but from actually going out there and experiencing the world. To her, learning was not studying, but doing, and that allowed her to connect with her god and other people almost too well. That's not to say she doesn't read books: She does, and she makes sure to study up. Its just not her highest priority. Finally, in spite of her rude ways, she can talk to people fairly well. Some ask her, "Why don't you just talk it out diplomatically?"

She'll reply, "Have you ever seen the color drain out of a king's face after intimidating him really good?"

In other words, she's good with people, she just prefers to look intimidating. She does get a bit lonely from people avoiding her because of course SOMEONE is gonna hear about her intimidation skills, but she'll manage without others.

All there is left to do is give her the equipment and watch her break face.


Finally! Personal life stuff! Its been kind of busy, between games and school Nothing important has happened. Grandma's death was mourned for, but part of me thinks I didn't mourn enough. I'm connecting with more friends and being actually.... happy for once in my life?

Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. I've been happier for the past year now, compared to the same time LAST year. Awful time, especially with Academic Probation hanging around my head like a guillotine positioned to chop my head right off. I managed to get around it, in spite of my worries, but I worry that I might slip again or start getting TOO selfish and show-off...y?

I'm a bit eager to roleplay again, but I also want to finish my writings. I want to finish up the two Siren stories in order, then do another Apollo story, then start on writing up teasers for Psychicplot and Sonia Revel's plot. After all that, I can FINALLY say I'll be able to continue the whole dystopian Levia story, hopefully before RP season starts.

I've been a bit more nervous as of late for probably a variety of reasons, but I'll manage. Its nothing I can't handle.

But yeah, that's all for today. Derp.

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is, thanks to proper feat and gear selection her basic melee attack isn't that bad. It does little damage, but she could potentially still hit with it.
