Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Ah, today's the day! The day where everybody gets hyped up because they're totally gonna get laid love tonight! Candles are lit up, people dress up as cupid (maybe?), candygrams are passed around the campus...

And, most importantly, chocolate goes on sale. Hell yeaaaah.

But wait, its a day of LOOOVE and GIRLFRIENDS and BOYFRIENDS! Oh mah gawd you should be liek going out hur hur

To be honest, the minute everybody in elementry school stopped doing that whole valentines thing, I stopped caring. Okay, maybe not. I have had a long history of internet dating (or rather, "lel teenage gurls" phase) and I guess I took it seriously at some points. But really, is it that serious? There's no need to be desperate for love. Trust me, I've done it, and it didn't work well for anyone, worst of all myself. Desperation is a red flag to any sane person. It speaks of insecurities and issues within yourself. Things that you want to validate by having someone with you and coddle you until they get tired of it.

To me, Valentine's Day is just another normal day, commercialized so that people have an excuse to stuff their faces with candy. I need no such excuse: I do that every day. Love? Yeah, I do that too. Every day. Love can't just be bought with fancy steaks and expensive chocolate. Material goods are nice, but in the larger scheme of things, love is a two-way street of commitment, honesty, and caring. It's not just limited to boyfriend-girlfriend-husband-wife things, either. It can be platonic or family love. Relationships of all kinds. They should be cherished today, but also every other day.

Most importantly, though, I think people should work on the relationship that matters the most: the relationship with your own self. Take care of yourself and make sure you're okay. Don't feel bad about feeling selfish, unless you take it to the extreme. Everybody is selfish to an extent; its when it starts to affect others negatively when it becomes a problem. This valentine's day, though, treat yourself like you would any other person: with kindness and respect.

Why am I writing this? Well, its partly for the benefit of others. The other part is a giant reminder for myself. I kind of forget to take care of myself while worrying about others, even after traumatic stuff happened. Its kind of odd how selflessness can hurt yourself: giving and giving and giving can get pretty tiring. I'm happily taken and have a lot of good friends, but I don't think I cherish myself as much as I think I do, even after all the self-improvements I've done. I guess its only a sign to keep working at it until I love myself like I love everybody else.

Sorry for the ramble. Be sure to stuff yourself with chocolate today!

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