Monday, February 27, 2017

Aqua Princess Rita, Issue 1

Welcome to Tara City, a place where dreams come true! Where the air is fresh and the water is clear! The roads are all paved and most of the buildings look like they were inspired by the middle ages. Definitely more chic and modern, but there’s no getting away from their roots of sovereignty! There’s many things do to: biking, window shopping, sleeping, fighting a giant mechanical lizard…

Yep. Even fire-breathing mecha dragons live here in Tara City! Or, at least, this particular one was extra feisty, trying to eat passersby and chow down on an entire convenience store. Oh, who could possibly save Tara City from this menace?

Not Rita Shepard, that’s for sure. She was far too busy making sure a customer didn’t kill her for putting only a single shot of white chocolate in her White Chocolate Mocha and being ESPECIALLY sure to use extra whipped cream and caramel sauce for someone’s Caramel Macchiato. In fact, she was trying to avoid dying altogether, which was rather hard when you are simply one person working as a barista in Tara City of all places.

Fortunately, the line wasn’t too long, and she had all the time in the world now to watch the news as some super handsome Kamen Rider hero swooped in to kick the mechanical fiend. The way they kept their cool in the heat of battle, the way they tanked that fire breath, the way they delivered their one-liner… It just took her breath away. It also didn’t help that they were probably ripped underneath that goofy outfit. How many villains did they bench press to look that good? Ten? Twenty?!

Yes, the masked, handsome, cool, and sexy Kamen Rider was absolutely stunning compared to tall, fat, mousy-looking, dweeby Rita Shepard. The only thing she had going for her was her lovely streaks of gray in her brown hair, and even then, that was more from her job stressing her out than good genes.

One day, though, she wished that maybe, just maybe, she could be a Kamen Rider. Then suddenly she’d become absolutely stunning and deliver one-liners with ease and learn to flirt with men and women alike! But alas, she settled for serving up a nice old lady a cup of lemon ginger tea. That’s a heroic deed, right?

Later that day, Rita returned home to some disturbing news: her cat had gone unfed for the last eight hours, in spite of dry food just sitting there, waiting to be devoured! And when Mr. Kitty was hungry, he was sure to let Rita know.

“BUT YOUR FOOD IS RIGHT THEEEEEEERE” she protested to her master, who merely meowed angrily at her. He would simply not relent, so it was time to open up some wet food. Chicken and gravy flavored mush, Mr. Kitty’s favorite!

After feeding her kind and generous master, Rita poured herself a big bowl of cereal, dumped milk in it, and munched away as she turned on the TV just in time to see… Kamen Rider talking to an interviewer?

“Fighting monsters all alone is a real hassle,” they said in a tone that reminded Rita vaguely of smooth, velvety chocolate. “And honestly, I could use a little… help. So I’m looking for a sidekick to help me out, help lessen the burden a little!”

A fire burned in Rita’s heart. A chance to work with THE Kamen Rider? Like, actually work beside him? And do heroic stuff and maybe scream out “WHAT?!” a couple of times? It was the perfect opportunity, the greatest chance she’d ever get!

…But wait, she needed something. Some magic power or Kamen Belt or something. Did they sell those on Amazon?

So Rita spent most of the night hunting down these secrets on the internet before passing out in a heap on the couch, Mr. Kitty jumping on top of her and making sure his favorite butler was okay.

The next day, Rita’s scouring Tara City in the hopes of finding some ancient artifact to give her ultimate power. Amazon has yielded nothing, and the auditions are tonight! Or at least, that’s what her reliable sources told her. She bumbled into hat shops and tried on a million hats. She stumbled into antique stores and grabbed a pocket watch that she thought would let her control time, but that $5k price tag was not something she was going to afford, ever. She even went to a javalina farm!

Fucker bit her finger, and she didn’t even get javalina powers from it. What a ripoff!

Her last stop was at a mysterious store named “Oracle’s Cranny”. She always passed this place on the way to work, and it always smelled of patchouli. Inside were a definite wealth of crystals advertised to heal ailments, essential oil cocktails said to soothe the soul, and maybe a mantis or two. They certainly looked magical to Rita’s untrained eye, so it was all a matter of touching everything and saying magic words under her breath.

After grabbing her fifth crystal and yelling out, “I SUMMON YOU, WHITE DRAGON!” the owner came out from behind the counter, staring at her with icy blue eyes. Rita quickly put the crystal down and smiled meekly, shuffling towards the door.

Then, the elderly owner asked, “You desire power?”

Rita stared back into those icy blue eyes and shivered. “Yeah?”

“For what purpose?” Rita could see the silvery hairs behind that mysterious purple robe, and wondered if she was actually speaking to a wizard.

“Because I want to be a hero like Kamen Rider! Why else?”


Rita stared at the owner as she headed back behind the counter and opened a drawer. She pulled out a necklace, a brilliant blue gem hanging off one end in the shape of a teardrop. The owner walked back towards her and slipped it around Rita’s neck, then stared right back at her.

“Should your intentions be pure,” she said slowly, holding up a finger and pointing at Rita’s heart, “you will find the power you seek. Heroism merely for the sake of playing hero, however, is hardly heroism at all. You would do best to remember that.”

Honestly, Rita wasn’t sure what she meant by all that, but she said, “Thanks!” Then, after a moment’s deliberation, she asked, “So, uh, I owe you how much?”

The woman smiled and replied, “Your companionship alone would be enough, if you would not mind.”

Visiting some weird lady instead of paying thousands of dollars for a magical artifact? Sold! After promising to visit her on a regular basis, Rita rushed off to the sidekick auditions, ready to kick ass and take names!

The auditions were held in the beautiful Grand Tara Park, the sidekicks already posing under cherry blossom trees for the camera people. They were absolutely eating this up, taking more photos and video than they could ever need in the hopes that they’ll get a fantastic shot. Even Kamen Rider was posing along, the flash reflecting off his bug-like red eyes.

Rita stood in a looong line of people trying to apply, watching as each one before her showed off their moves. Kamen Rider nodded his head and watched them carefully before waving them off. Rita was surprised he didn’t seem to like Mr. Stretchyarms Mcgee with his goofy antics, or Mr. Sparkleman and his roar as he charged up an energy ball and threw it up in the air. It exploded into the shape of a giraffe, too! Honestly, she’d work under Mr. Sparkleman. He’s good people.

One by one, the line went down, and sure enough… it was Rita’s turn. She rubbed her hands together and prepared to unleash the most wondrous thing ever done! Sure, she forgot to actually ask the lady how to work this thing, but if she wished really, really hard, it’d work! Right?

She held up her hands for just two seconds before Kamen Rider shook their head and said, “Mmmmmnah, no, you’re not really fit for this sort of thing.”

Rita was taken off-guard, taking a step back as she said, “But I didn’t even do anything yet!”

“And I can already tell you’re going to be a disaster for my publicity.” Kamen Rider yawned as they added, “I mean, I can’t be seen with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. The public would start questioning my abilities as a hero and a mentor, and I simply can’t let that happen.”

“Again, I didn’t even do anythi-“

Kamen Rider sighed. “Exactly! I don’t even know you! At least with the others, they have some sort of profile, some sort of presence in the city! They can actually do something! Meanwhile, you are known by how many people? Have YOU done anything to protect the city recently? Hm? Have you?”

Rita clenched her fist and growled, ignoring the loud thumping coming from far away. “As a matter of fact, yes!” she said. “I saved college students from the deep dark depths of despair! I’ve spared others from the wrath of caffeine-deprived businessmen! I serve coffee, which saves the lives of many from… from… from all sorts of things! So THERE!”

“Oh, boo hoo, you serve coffee to grandma every morning,” Kamen Rider said after yawning again. Rita’s cheeks were burning red as they continued, “Listen, we’re talking about actual heroics! Like saving a princess from an evil wizard! Like fighting off an army of demons! And you have done absolutely NOT-“

A large shadow was cast on the two of them, prompting both to look up out of curiosity. And there it was: another giant, mechanical dragon, now with twice the anger that the other one had!

Kamen Rider dived out of the way as the fiend launched a fireball, setting the grass around them on fire. Rita backed off and waved her arms, hoping her new necklace would do something. Unfortunately, it didn’t, so she backed off before the flames decided to leap at her and set her favorite dress on fire. She could only watch as Kamen Rider smashed their fist into the dragon’s nostrils once, twice, three times in succession, then deliver their trademark RIDER KIIIIICK!

The dragon was hardly impressed and smacked him away with one hand. Kamen Rider landed on their feet before jumping high into the air and delivering an uppercut to the dragon’s jaw, forcing it to stagger back. He dodged fireballs and claws with ease now as the crowds of people cheered him on. His fists glowed a bright yellow as they fired off an energy blast right into the dragon’s nose, then jumped up to punch it in one of its eyes. Of course, the explosion was cool enough for Kamen to take advantage and pose for a picture. They were being just too cool.

Meanwhile, here Rita was, doing absolutely nothing but waving her arms and muttering incantations to no avail. She frowned as each and every attempt failed to make the crystal do anything, anything at all, until she simply stopped trying and pouted near a tree. She wondered- no, she knew that Kamen was right. She wasn’t much of anything, and she didn’t do any heroics, no matter how much she wanted to. All she was… all she’d ever be was some coffee barista. Just big, fat, stupid ol’ Rita, compared to strong, handsome, heroic Kamen Rider.

In the chaos of the fight, the fire spread outwards around the park. She could already hear the sound of a firetruck headed their way, but it’d be hard for them to get here safely with a mechadragon in the way. It got close to a bystander, a cute little girl no older than 9 who was recording Kamen Rider from afar. She backed away from the fire, trying not to get burned but also trying to take the perfect video of Kamen Rider, up until she tripped backwards on a rock. She crawled back, but the fire was advancing faster and faster…

Rita saw that she might not escape. The fire was almost on top of her. Kamen Rider was too busy fighting this dragon to save this girl.

She didn’t have anything on her resume about heroics… but there was no better time than now.

“I’VE GOT YOU!” she shouted as she dived right in, grabbing the girl and running to a safer place from the flames. She could feel the girl shiver in her arms, clutching her phone tightly to her chest and sniffling loudly. She set the girl down and patted her on the head as she asked, “Hey, are you okay? You didn’t hurt yourself too bad?” The girl shook her head. “Good! I’ll keep you safe, then! No fire’s going to hurt you on my watch, okay?”

The girl looked up at her, then down at her phone. Then back to her before she nodded and hid behind her. The flames haven’t stopped, but Rita was determined to find a way out of it. There must be a safer place to wait for the firemen. The sidekicks didn’t seem to have anyone among them that could put out fires. And of course, she couldn’t do anything. So maybe they had to rely on Kamen Rider?

Damn it. If only she could do something…!

Then, the crystal began to glow a brilliant blue. Rita wondered if she was about to get some new duds in a second… but alas, that was too much to ask for. She did feel more powerful, somehow. Curious, she held up her arms and muttered an incantation…

Much to her surprise, she shot out jets of water, dousing the flames closest to her. She heard the girl gasp in delight, and she knew… She knew exactly what to do. She waggled a finger, conjuring a small orb of water. It grew and grew in size as she focused harder and harder, then it launched itself at the flames and burst like a bubble, dousing all the fires at once and making it rain just a little bit.

Rita smirked, proud of her accomplishment for a few minutes before she heard a loud THUNK and the sound of cheers. Kamen Rider defeated yet another mechanical dragon and was probably about to deliver another cool one-liner, as per usual. All attention was on him now as he posed dramatically for all the cameras.

The crowd would never notice her accomplishment. They were all gobbling up whatever nonsense Kamen Rider was putting out there. At least she had her first fan: a little girl who recorded all the cool things she did! And for now, that was enough.

When she returned home, Rita remembered Kamen’s words…

Then, she said, “Well, if I haven’t done enough for them, I’m just gonna have to do enough to catch their attention! I’ll save more little girls from fires and cats from trees and all that other good heroic stuff! And then… and then I’ll be just like him! Except without the nasty attitude. I think.”

Full of hope, Rita went to bed, ready to brainstorm how to get recognition from Kamen Rider…

…Step number one, though? Make up a cool hero name.


(At the end of the chapter, there is a small comic about Rita wondering what her power could be. She wondered if she could get magnetism, if only to face another magnetism guy and shout, 'Hi there, I'm Rita Repulsa! > :D '

There is a comment below from the author, thanking everyone for their support. 

"Look forward to the next installment, guys~!

With love, 


1 comment:

  1. This guy is not Kamen Rider. He's a jerk. Someone call Hondo, this jerk is soiling his good name.

    I hereby dub this jerk Kamen Rider Void, because he has a big hole in his head and you should a-void him.
