Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Awaits Us Now

Zoofights is over. The curtains have closed. Alex has set sail for the skies with Sarah and friends. Garnet is probably wrestling bears with Pech. Stella is ruling over a continent with  good ol' Nicky-poo.

Question is...what of the future?

Alex will return. No artifact title from me, guys. Kirby will also return, depending on circumstances. Stella... well, she'll be demoted to minor status if she DOES return, I'll tell you that much.

As for Garn-Garn...well, you'll see.

Oh, I believe Goops had a question...


A hint: Someone you might see next year!

And now, this will become a blog of solitude, Alex sheenanigans, and vidjah gamin.

Also, DBZ Abridged. Ballin.


  1. Ooh, you know what would be awesome?

    If we start ZF7 with Sarah and Alex nowhere in sight, and a ways into the tournament we suddenly have them IN MEDIAS RES BITCHES hunting for Juan's shield in Levia.

    And then they defeat some monster or something, and they're like "yay" and then Sarah's like "wait what time is it" and Alex is like "June" and then they're both like "oh crap". :D

  2. I guess it was inevitable that someone would rope in a raisonneur -.-
