Harpy: I am so fucking spooked after writing an idea D:
Harpy: How are you guys?
TheDeleter: oh rly?
SteelKomodo: full of cold :<
TheDeleter: i'm okay - drove, did work, wrote an RPG about knights questin' and pimp-slappin' each other
TheDeleter: at 2 in the morning
TheDeleter: and now we're talking about sbahj bookmarks
Harpy: And yeah. Admittedly, I got the idea after listening to something that is pretty creepy
Harpy: I put up a rough sketch of it and other things on my blog
SteelKomodo: thanks mari :3
Harpy: no probs
SteelKomodo: ooh
Harpy: Hopefully i'll be able to do a writing about it, good enough to make the hairs on the back of people's necks stand up
TheDeleter: excellent
TheDeleter: spooky writing is awesome when done well
Harpy: Mhm
Harpy: And I'm trying to work on scenery and evoking emotion through them
SteelKomodo: woot
SteelKomodo: this is pretty cool
Harpy: So its pretty much an exercise for me
Harpy: thanks
Harpy: I creeped my friend out with it. and my friend too xD;
Harpy: and myself
Harpy: derp
Harpy: I can't type
TheDeleter: haha
TheDeleter: it's a pretty cool idea
TheDeleter: it does have the problem of it relying on execution pretty heavily
Harpy: A cool idea, but it can turn to shit if the writing is bad
TheDeleter: but this would be a blast if done right
Harpy: Yeah. Which is why I'm probably going to write a rough draft in Word and keep revising until
TheDeleter: have some kinda
folklore about some badass demon getting his ass kicked there and no-one
goes near the ruins because come on, we're peasants, we're not that
Harpy: its great
TheDeleter: and then the adventurers decide TREASURE AND LOOT WHOOOO
TheDeleter: and then build up
to oh shit the demon's heart which would lead into oh shit the demon is
still alive and his heart is eating people to build up enough flesh to
rebuild himself
Harpy: I was thinking that
someone wants to knock it down so they can make a hotel, but everybody
that tried to go in either never came back or went bloody insane from
what they say
TheDeleter: or something
TheDeleter: either way works
TheDeleter: also keep the ghoul cult
TheDeleter: ghouls are creepy
Harpy: sacrifice the bodies of the dead to the heart, bones and flesh slowly regenerate
TheDeleter: yesss
TheDeleter: this will be excellent
Harpy: people actually see muscle and bone created in front of them, ever so slowly, bit by bit
Harpy: black, oily blood cascading as the heart beats ever faster, chants getting ever louder
SteelKomodo: oooh, wow
SteelKomodo: and I thought my plot for next year was gonna be creepy
TheDeleter: getting into it a bit there harpy 

Harpy: and this is an ancient
demon, so there is no way in fuck its gonna go down like, say...one big
round like the one we had with Garland or something
Harpy: Hey, I do my best when I'm actually into it
Harpy: i have to be really inspired or else I can't write as well D:
Harpy: bbs
Harpy: lunch
TheDeleter: kk
SteelKomodo: kk
Harpy: back
Harpy: fuck it was loud in the cafeteria so I didn't go D:
Harpy: and oh god I just thought of something
SteelKomodo: wat D:
TheDeleter: ooh
Harpy: for everybody that dies, the demon starts regenerating more and more flesh, even when he's revived
Harpy: i mean why just stop at sacrifices to ressurect you when you can become stronger with MORE CORPSES?
TheDeleter: oh god
TheDeleter: the moar the merrier
SteelKomodo: D:
Harpy: which makes a long war
with it more essential, because eventually its gonna hit a peak and
fucking destroy their continent as they know it if left unchecked
Harpy: wear it down, leave long-lasting injuries it can't repair
Harpy: and for the love of god don't use necromancy
Harpy: Hopefully I can keep
it contained within my own little blog world (since ZF would..probably
be an AU for it), since I don't want this to become a repeat of the
SteelKomodo: we do not want that
SteelKomodo: at all
Harpy: just a long-lasting
war with a demon who thrives off death, hundreds of armies and guilds
facing off against it to save their world
TheDeleter: somewhere in her closet, Jonesy has a punching bag with the Lord's face taped to it
Harpy: xD
TheDeleter: some days it has Sine's face on
Harpy: meanwhile Garnet just shaves Lordcat
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: but yeah, when I write it, I probably want to keep it contained to...at MOST 10 segments
Harpy: don't want it to drag out too long, since I'm not that experienced D:
Harpy: Just something to look forward to for you guys