Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Time to feel like a piece of turd

I really hate it when I want to eat something and I end up having no appetite whatsoever. I hate it when I can barely swallow my food and keep it down when I feel like puking all over the place. My anxiety issues are beginning to annoy me because I can't seem to talk to this guy who I'm fangirling over (Ohai LPer) without clamming up and being nervous. What the fuck.

Add onto this stomach problems, tiredness,  cramps associated with a certain time of month, and stress from school and you have a recipie for disaster.

Hold on to your girders, guys.

On the brighter side, in two weeks, I'm going back home. Yaaaay~

1 comment:

  1. Generally the only time I'm unable to eat is when I'm sick. Sore throats and nausea yayyyy

    Somehow, the only cold I've gotten this season was that nasty stomach bug from early October. Not a single standard cold here!
