Friday, February 3, 2012

Harpy. Officially 19. And tire.

I am surviving with 6-7 hours of sleep erry day weee~

Better than going to bed at 4, though.

At any rate, on January 31st, 1993.. on the day of the Super Bowl, a mother managed to give birth to a baby girl. This girl would grow up to be a geek/nerd/lazy butt/college girl, and strangely, not like football. Said girl turned 19 three days ago.

I am that girl. Its me. And I am going to party hard tonight. And by party hard, I mean "watch movies with my friends and eat cake."

I got a 3DS and Nintendogs (early) for my birthday, along with 50 dollars to buy books, an SA account (that I bought myself, for shits and giggles), and a sweet birthday card from Joe. All in all, thoughts that count.

In the meantime, I think will also start emulating Dragon Quest 9 and LP that for laughs. Sadly, I am somewhat limited by the customization system. I mean, everything is DBZ-esque. Then again, this IS Akira Toriyama's artwork. I already have some semblance of a team in mind, somewhat based off of my own team in my real-life copy of DQ9. No savestates, since they're probably weird to use in a DS RPG.

I should also work on that Kirby fanfic, too.. but uurgh work

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, where was I in January 1993... Probably playing my parents' Atari 2600.
