Friday, November 7, 2014

Character Development Infodump, Part 3: Orionians/Relgioners/365 Days of Sin Crew

This one has a weird, weird origin. I will preface this by saying that usually, I hardly remember my own dreams. Only the more vivid ones or those I bother to write down after I wake up from them before going back to bed, I remember. It's kind of strange, which ones I remember and which ones I don't.

This particular dream about a maid working for a demon, both of which seemed particularly happy about the situation, seemed to stick. And damn, did that demon eat. Once I woke up, I didn't seem to forget about it, especially since I kept building and building on it. Then, of course, I changed elements of it (The maid is reluctant! The demon is ACTUALLY the embodiment of a sin! PRINNIES!) and finally, it made its way to RP in time for Halloween 2013.

I must have been on drugs, with how much worldbuilding I managed to do within a few posts and within a month. A thread that wouldn't be picked back up until Halloween 2014, then again next year.

No, seriously, I'm usually bad at worldbuilding, what the hell.

So allow me to bask in the glory of my own creation until the hype calms down, and write down all the shizzzles I must.

"SUNDAE" SOPHIA ELRICH - Fist of the North Star


The maid in my dreams may have enjoyed the arrangement she made between Gluttony, but this gal sure didn't. I wanted someone that wouldn't take any shit, to create an interesting dynamic between unwilling servant and overeager master. Someone who would be strong enough to stand up for herself and for others. A maiden who is also a mastodon and probably wrestles men who rely on their masculinity for their reputation into the ground.

Yep, that's Sophia. Look at 'er flex.

While Gluttony, to an extent, has a leash on her, she also serves to keep him in check, considering that two millenia ago, he almost straight up ate kingdoms, and had to be weakened and banished into Relgion, the demon world. She knows how to use her noodle in the heat of combat, although her brain might shut down for a few seconds if you ask her philosophical questions. A fighter, not a scholar. Active rather than passive.

I also wanted a character that would use holy magic a bit more offensively than it's typically associated with, something that matches her personality: helpful, but rather than heal, she rather tank half the time and punch things in the face.

A mix of feminine and masculine. Not letting herself be defined or rediculed by society's standards. A fierce warrior and an ever loving godsister. That is the essence of Sophia.

But what spurred her into becoming a mastodon? It's not like you wake up one day and decide, "I want to become strong enough to snap the necks of demons!", right?

Maybe we'll see more about that next year!

XAVIER DU LEVOUSE, THE GLUTTONOUS - Cheerful Demon of Feasts and Festivals

Alternative title: Fueled by the Power of Thanksgiving.

Woo boy, this guy. Honestly, I'm not sure how the hell I'm going to RP him without people wanting to punch him at times. I originally intended for him to be a major asshole, with no qualms about devouring anything he deems good enough to eat. Cheerful and goofy, contrasting with the terrible image of a demon who can and will devour you whole.

But things are difficult, and I have to maintain this delicate balance between insanity and sanity: the fine line between Gluttony and du LeVouse. An asshole, but not of his own choosing.

I guess the trouble is dealing with someone who has two seemingly separate personalities without swinging too much to one side of the pendulum most of the time.

Eatting too much, sharing little, thinking of only yourself... Gluttony is not just the embodiment of overeating, he is the epitome of selfishness, right next to Pride. Granted, most sins revolve around selfishness to some degree, but when you would be willing to let the poor starve just to feed yourself to a stupid degree, well... that makes you a monster.

Anyway, when I think of the sin of gluttony, I also think food. So Gluttony is powered by food in two ways: copying the abilities of monsters he ate recently (that tasted really good, mind) and becoming stronger after eating a lot. He also has stitches on his stomach, hiding the fact that really, don't touch there, it might open up and bite your hand off. Gastric acid is also a pain in the ass to deal with. These abilities are based off of Kirby and Toriko (which is a manga/anime about a man who wants to eat everything and becomes stronger after eating food... HMM), and are pretty fitting for a foodie! And from eating a lot of different things, I guess you could say he developed a finer pallate, and probably evolved these abilities over several years to deal with the things he preys on.

But what about his non-gluttony based abilities? His abilities were originally based on D&D 3.5 spells, although I may start doing a mix. He also has the ability to separate his head and body and move them independently of one another. Just another trick for a Dullahan to use!

His more demonic, superpowered form has changed several times since its conceptions. Well, actually, I guess it was just three times: He was originally going to look like the Lucavi demon of the Scorpio Stone, Cuchulainn, from FFT, only with the stitches horizonal. Then, a while after growing used to the picture of Pestus Goops drew for me and all, part of me wanted to adapt some of it for Gluttony, like the arm appendages and huegness. Then apparently, late yesterday, I decided "you know what, fuck it" and decided that he adapted most of Pestus's looks, excluding all the boils and grime and taking the eyes and extra arm apendages, one pair that he can summon on his own without going full murderdemon.

Pestus with hair, including idiot antennae. Horrifying.

(damn u goops)

Oh yeah, since I tend to associate sins with colors, Gluttony is indigo.  The only other sin that would be competing for that color is Lust, but I figured that since lust is more... passionate, heated, I figured orange would be a better color. Besides, Indigo is close to being the most royal of colors, purple, and the nobility of olden days grew fat on feasts as the peasants toiled for food.

Yeah, that's-a Gluttony, alright.

PRINCESS LILAH PARFAIT - Pretty Princess Magical Girl

Honestly, I just made her up on the spot, after concieving the idea of the Cupcake Kingdom. And as the princess, she must have some sort of food based abilities! MAGICAL GIRL!

She's only 11, though, so she's more naive and genuinely thinks Gluttony is neat. I mean, he eats all her food and saved her from that giant ball of arms that was destroying her kingdom! And didn't eat her! So he's cool beans, yeah?

I wanted to RP a combat-competent kid without really losing that childlike wonder and way of speaking. One who wants to adventure and learn more about the world, even though the world's history is full of bloodshed and pain. Someone who looked up to Sophia and aspires to be as strong as her, in their own way. Someone who could possibly shine light on the enigma that is Gluttony and tease out his kinder side.

Someone who can take out a gun and fire broccoli bullets at Slenderman and get away with it.

No drastic changes here, though I wish one day I can promote her to a less minor character. :I

SATOSHI - Dragon Demon of Fire and Ice

and lightning and light


A more serious type fellow, who relies not solely on strength, but on trickery and tactics. He's an expy/straight up copy of Crono of Chrono Crusade in appearance, but not in personality. He's actually one of my older characters whose concept changed over time, again and again and again, until I finally settled on him being a dragon demon.

He never did stray away from the fire concept, though. Nosiree.

I don't think I did him much justice in RP. He was meant to be a bit more active and reveal bits and pieces of WHY he turned against his own kind, why he was fighting against Pestus aside from the fact that he is a horrible being and made people miserable and waaah. He also was supposed to have his own plot in 2012, related to this strange demonologist named Kuroma, who wished to claim him as her own.

then I disappeared.

And so, Satoshi is supposedly not much of a party guy. He takes things more seriously than Sophia does, and works as a bounty hunter, much like Scarlet and the Succubi. The info gatherer. Shamelessly trapping things. Confused by these things known as "compooters".

Alas... maybe in 2016, I will be able to fulfill this dream. Maybe.

Any other char I introduced, such as Scarlet and the Succubi and Elise? Well, they won't get a spot here until I RPed/blogged about them a bit more. Stay tuned!


A little pudgy batcat, seeking shelter from the storm of abuse.

A woman with control over ravens, ruling over the Tengu, with no memory of life before she came to Relgion.

A man who loves the seas as much as he loves the skies, his hearty laugh and his immense power the things Sophia remembers most.

A baphomet, working hard in Nico Nico's Magical Emporium, a disgrace to her clan, an outcast.

One of these ideas may see light, either in the blog, the RP, or both.

What might you enjoy seeing?

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