Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Lolzy Conversation

I had this convo yesterday with Tom. Yes.

[10/14/2011 1:52:49 PM] Mari Fortuna: yay
[10/14/2011 1:53:12 PM] Tom Newton: and now I has the music player
[10/14/2011 1:53:15 PM] Tom Newton: yay
[10/14/2011 1:53:20 PM] Mari Fortuna: :D
[10/14/2011 1:53:49 PM] Tom Newton: lookit them there kibies dacin'!
[10/14/2011 1:54:00 PM] Mari Fortuna: YEAH
[10/14/2011 1:54:16 PM] Mari Fortuna: you count nine kirbies at first
[10/14/2011 1:54:22 PM] Mari Fortuna: watch the top screen for a bit
[10/14/2011 1:54:36 PM] Tom Newton: okay
[10/14/2011 1:55:33 PM] Tom Newton: oh lol
[10/14/2011 1:55:40 PM] Mari Fortuna: that's the 10th kirby
[10/14/2011 1:55:41 PM] Mari Fortuna: aka
[10/14/2011 1:55:43 PM] Mari Fortuna: Derpy
[10/14/2011 1:55:51 PM] Tom Newton: xD
[10/14/2011 1:57:01 PM] Mari Fortuna: can I even think up of 10 names for ten kirbies?
[10/14/2011 1:57:40 PM] Tom Newton: let's try
[10/14/2011 1:57:46 PM] Mari Fortuna: Derpy
[10/14/2011 1:57:50 PM] Mari Fortuna: Pinky
[10/14/2011 1:57:50 PM] Tom Newton: george
[10/14/2011 1:57:58 PM] Mari Fortuna: Joe
[10/14/2011 1:58:00 PM] Tom Newton: Harry
[10/14/2011 1:58:04 PM] Mari Fortuna: Henry
[10/14/2011 1:58:19 PM] Tom Newton: Doc
[10/14/2011 1:58:25 PM] Tom Newton: because you gotta have a Kirby called Doc
[10/14/2011 1:58:30 PM] Mari Fortuna: xD
[10/14/2011 1:58:38 PM] Mari Fortuna: he'll be wearing spiral glasses
[10/14/2011 1:58:41 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 1:58:42 PM] Mari Fortuna: like Fawful's
[10/14/2011 1:58:50 PM] Tom Newton: Sammy
[10/14/2011 1:58:57 PM] Mari Fortuna: Pop
[10/14/2011 1:59:08 PM] Tom Newton: and Timmy
[10/14/2011 1:59:09 PM] Mari Fortuna: ...his parents didn't like him all that much
[10/14/2011 1:59:10 PM] Mari Fortuna: xD
[10/14/2011 1:59:16 PM] Mari Fortuna: TIMMY FELL DOWN THE WELL!
[10/14/2011 1:59:21 PM] Tom Newton: Not again!
[10/14/2011 1:59:28 PM] Tom Newton: Come on, Kirbies, let's go save hiM!
[10/14/2011 1:59:30 PM] Mari Fortuna: the Warp Star is now dubbed Lassie
[10/14/2011 1:59:37 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 1:59:41 PM] Tom Newton: YES
[10/14/2011 1:59:43 PM] Tom Newton: BEST THING
[10/14/2011 1:59:51 PM] Mari Fortuna: this is terrible
[10/14/2011 1:59:52 PM] Mari Fortuna: yet so awesome
[10/14/2011 2:00:00 PM] Mari Fortuna: someone needs to draw this for lolz
[10/14/2011 2:00:26 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:00:40 PM] Tom Newton: give Timmy a child's haircut and a stammer
[10/14/2011 2:01:03 PM] Mari Fortuna: Doc has glasses and Dr. Wily hair
[10/14/2011 2:01:09 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:01:18 PM] Tom Newton: Sammy (he writes songs)
[10/14/2011 2:01:18 PM] Mari Fortuna: Harry can be...Harry
[10/14/2011 2:01:26 PM] Tom Newton: No-one remembers Harry
[10/14/2011 2:01:34 PM] Tom Newton: Pop is always eating some candy thing
[10/14/2011 2:02:09 PM] Mari Fortuna: Harry is Harry Potter
[10/14/2011 2:02:27 PM] Mari Fortuna: his scar is actually just something he drew on his face
[10/14/2011 2:02:32 PM] Tom Newton: yep
[10/14/2011 2:02:33 PM] Tom Newton: lol
[10/14/2011 2:02:38 PM] Mari Fortuna: Henry
[10/14/2011 2:02:42 PM] Mari Fortuna: nobody remembers Henry
[10/14/2011 2:02:48 PM] Tom Newton: Joe's the badass one
[10/14/2011 2:02:57 PM] Mari Fortuna: No, he's Zephyrus
[10/14/2011 2:02:58 PM] Mari Fortuna: xD
[10/14/2011 2:03:02 PM] Tom Newton: LOL
[10/14/2011 2:03:09 PM] Tom Newton: let me write this down!
[10/14/2011 2:03:11 PM] Mari Fortuna: because Joe = Zephyrus = Joe (the Kirby)
[10/14/2011 2:03:24 PM] Mari Fortuna: MY MATHS IS EXCELLENT
[10/14/2011 2:04:46 PM] Mari Fortuna: you know you could just blog this
[10/14/2011 2:05:16 PM] Tom Newton: probably
[10/14/2011 2:05:19 PM] Tom Newton: but I must do this first
[10/14/2011 2:05:21 PM] Tom Newton: Derpy (The silly one)
Pinky (The leader)
George (The badass)
Joe (Always apologizes)
Harry (Harry Potter)
Henry (The nondescript bookie)
Doc (Crazy Inventor)
Sammy (musician)
Timmy (the clumsy, socially-awkward one)
[10/14/2011 2:05:23 PM] Mari Fortuna: lol
[10/14/2011 2:05:31 PM] Mari Fortuna: Pinky is clearly Meta Knight
[10/14/2011 2:05:34 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:05:40 PM] Mari Fortuna: WELP
[10/14/2011 2:05:45 PM] Tom Newton: and now I shall blog this
[10/14/2011 2:05:51 PM] Mari Fortuna: that's a sign of reading too much BitF right there
[10/14/2011 2:05:58 PM] Mari Fortuna: ...Kirby Komedy
[10/14/2011 2:06:04 PM] Tom Newton: lol
[10/14/2011 2:06:11 PM] Tom Newton: Kombat Komedy
[10/14/2011 2:06:14 PM] Mari Fortuna: oh god I give myself too many ideas
[10/14/2011 2:06:19 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:06:19 PM] Mari Fortuna: Kirby Kombat Komedy
[10/14/2011 2:06:37 PM] Tom Newton: Jake just texted me
[10/14/2011 2:06:38 PM] Tom Newton: saying be on ZF
[10/14/2011 2:06:44 PM] Mari Fortuna: I AM ON ZF
[10/14/2011 2:06:47 PM] Mari Fortuna: RAGGLE FRAGGLE
[10/14/2011 2:06:49 PM] Tom Newton: yay
[10/14/2011 2:06:57 PM] Mari Fortuna: KIRBY OVERLOAD
[10/14/2011 2:07:26 PM] Tom Newton: damnit
[10/14/2011 2:07:31 PM] Tom Newton: this is what happens when I don't respond
[10/14/2011 2:07:33 PM] Mari Fortuna: ?
[10/14/2011 2:07:39 PM] Tom Newton: people think my characters are stupid
[10/14/2011 2:07:45 PM] Tom Newton: and slow to respond
[10/14/2011 2:07:55 PM] Tom Newton: and then they take things into their own hands and aaaaaargh
[10/14/2011 2:07:59 PM] Mari Fortuna: D:
[10/14/2011 2:08:13 PM] Tom Newton: because celestia is all like nvm
[10/14/2011 2:08:22 PM] Tom Newton: and i'm like NOOO I WAS GOING TO RESPOND
[10/14/2011 2:08:25 PM] Mari Fortuna: that's why I always refresh
[10/14/2011 2:08:26 PM] Mari Fortuna: :P
[10/14/2011 2:08:27 PM] Tom Newton: YOU JACKASS GOOPS
[10/14/2011 2:09:23 PM] Tom Newton: damnit, I need to get off skype
[10/14/2011 2:09:28 PM] Tom Newton: or I'll miss more posts
[10/14/2011 2:09:31 PM] Mari Fortuna: nooo
[10/14/2011 2:10:02 PM] Tom Newton: suddenly, the frogs
[10/14/2011 2:10:04 PM] Tom Newton: "O_O"
[10/14/2011 2:10:06 PM] Mari Fortuna: yep
[10/14/2011 2:10:16 PM] Tom Newton: I like those frogs
[10/14/2011 2:10:27 PM] Mari Fortuna: they need to show up more often
[10/14/2011 2:10:46 PM] Tom Newton: they do
[10/14/2011 2:10:51 PM] Tom Newton: we need more comedy frogs
[10/14/2011 2:11:00 PM] Mari Fortuna: we need more comedy period
[10/14/2011 2:11:06 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:11:13 PM] Mari Fortuna: d'aaw is nice
[10/14/2011 2:11:20 PM] Mari Fortuna: but with most of the drama out of the way
[10/14/2011 2:11:21 PM] Mari Fortuna: lolz
[10/14/2011 2:11:26 PM] Mari Fortuna: they must be had
[10/14/2011 2:11:33 PM] Tom Newton: brilliant idea
[10/14/2011 2:11:36 PM] Tom Newton: d'aaawmedy
[10/14/2011 2:11:39 PM] Mari Fortuna: oh lawl
[10/14/2011 2:11:49 PM] Tom Newton: cute things happening
[10/14/2011 2:11:55 PM] Tom Newton: with lolz in the background
[10/14/2011 2:11:56 PM] Tom Newton: all in the same post
[10/14/2011 2:12:07 PM] Mari Fortuna: like the frogs dancing
[10/14/2011 2:12:21 PM] Mari Fortuna: or Ring of Fire
[10/14/2011 2:12:31 PM] Tom Newton: while Saralex happens
[10/14/2011 2:12:32 PM] Mari Fortuna: YES.
[10/14/2011 2:12:35 PM] Mari Fortuna: xD
[10/14/2011 2:13:14 PM] Tom Newton: god, I can't multitask very well
[10/14/2011 2:13:21 PM] Tom Newton: I can chat on skype and be on ZF
[10/14/2011 2:13:22 PM] Mari Fortuna: aww
[10/14/2011 2:13:23 PM] Mari Fortuna: D:
[10/14/2011 2:13:27 PM] Tom Newton: but I have to focus on one thing at a time
[10/14/2011 2:13:35 PM] Tom Newton: well, you know what I mean
[10/14/2011 2:13:38 PM] Mari Fortuna: yeah
[10/14/2011 2:13:40 PM] Tom Newton: I get distracted
[10/14/2011 2:13:45 PM] Mari Fortuna: it happens
[10/14/2011 2:13:47 PM] Tom Newton: and then suddenly AAARGH POSTS
[10/14/2011 2:13:51 PM] Mari Fortuna: lolz
[10/14/2011 2:14:03 PM] Tom Newton: anyway
[10/14/2011 2:14:30 PM] Mari Fortuna: we should probably rename one of the kirbies to Gary
[10/14/2011 2:14:39 PM] Mari Fortuna: just so he could have this theme song
[10/14/2011 2:14:42 PM] Mari Fortuna:
[10/14/2011 2:14:54 PM] Tom Newton: wait
[10/14/2011 2:14:57 PM] Tom Newton: this is a thing
[10/14/2011 2:14:58 PM] Tom Newton: that happens?
[10/14/2011 2:15:14 PM] Mari Fortuna: maybe?
[10/14/2011 2:15:24 PM] Tom Newton: as far as I know, game ends once you catch the legendary dragon
[10/14/2011 2:15:32 PM] Tom Newton: probably fan-made, bleh
[10/14/2011 2:15:45 PM] Mari Fortuna: I'm pretty sure its official
[10/14/2011 2:15:51 PM] Tom Newton: hang on
[10/14/2011 2:15:52 PM] Tom Newton: we forgot z kirby
[10/14/2011 2:16:00 PM] Tom Newton: we only have 9 D:
[10/14/2011 2:16:07 PM] Tom Newton: so this will be Gary
[10/14/2011 2:16:16 PM] Mari Fortuna: I was about to say "Ziggy" but okay xD
[10/14/2011 2:16:24 PM] Tom Newton: loll
[10/14/2011 2:16:34 PM] Mari Fortuna: so now we have two badasses
[10/14/2011 2:16:39 PM] Mari Fortuna: one's a douche, one's lolz
[10/14/2011 2:16:44 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:16:59 PM] Mari Fortuna: give him Gary Oak
[10/14/2011 2:17:00 PM] Mari Fortuna: 's
[10/14/2011 2:17:05 PM] Mari Fortuna: douchy hairstyle
[10/14/2011 2:17:11 PM] Tom Newton: yes
[10/14/2011 2:17:17 PM] Tom Newton: and make him speak like a jerk
[10/14/2011 2:17:28 PM] Mari Fortuna: "SMELL YA LATER"
[10/14/2011 2:17:35 PM] Mari Fortuna: *da nana na na na na NA NA da nana na na na NA NA*
[10/14/2011 2:17:50 PM] Mari Fortuna: as he leaves
[10/14/2011 2:17:53 PM] Tom Newton: lol

1 comment:

  1. Well I don't have all day, Rain! I'm a very busy woman!

    (although when he DID respond I retconned it so she didn't blow him off)
