Friday, October 28, 2011

Why you do this, Harpy?

I did the amnesia thing because herpaderp. At least Meat Boy got a chance to fry pan someone in the head. To help someone! Nevertheless, that one thing is trite now, so I will never do THAT again.

Hypercam seems to be working just fine for me. Which is awesome, because I need to show off my uber failing skills in KDL's Extra Mode. Because that's terrible.

And as for why I keep chugging out more minor characters? Because I'm bloody insane. Waddle Drone is probably the last, although he might make an appearance for next year. Depends. I also need to get that one Elite Four story out of the way, but I keep forgetting like a herpaderp. I so sad.

Quick question for you guys... Out of the seven members of the Kirby Brigade, which one is your favorite? Which one do you believe is the most badass, too?


  1. Favorite is Kirby, because he is Lightwing's buddy and is okay in my book. He is also the most badass, because he is Kirby, even if he is always talking about his home planet and begging for us to go there and tell stories :P

    My least favorite is Doc. He's so coarse for a Kirby! Calling everyone bitch and being all jerky. He's worse than the supposedly angry Kabi!

    Extra Answer! Out of the Levian characters in the bar, Alex is still my favorite. He's pretty fleshed out and believable and he doesn't overreact like everyone else in the bar to fite results >_>

  2. Favorite/Badass is Kirby for sure. He has that mix of cuteness and fighting ability that I love so much.

    Least favorite is Timmy because he hasn't actually done anything yet. >.>

    Considering you're up to like two dozen characters at this point I'm not surprised you're forgetting James again. Heck, Stella and Garnet have kind of fallen off the face of the earth as well. Alex is your only character able to keep his head above water in the sea of kirbies.

  3. Ahahah... bad habits die hard, don't they? ^^;

    Timmy might do something sooner or later! If I find out what! Yeaaah... maybe. Who knows?

    Ah, that's what happens when I keep being experimental with kirbies. Oh well, every moment's a learning experience when it comes to RPing. Thanks for the feedback, guys :)

  4. Hrm, I'd have to say my favorite is Kusamochi, but I may be biased, as I find the name refreshingly original and I like the color green...
