Boogie boogie Kirby
Boogie boogie Kirby
Boogie boogie Kirby
Boogie boogie Kirby
Boogiiiiie boogie Kiiirby
Boogiiiiie boogie Kiiirby
Boogiiiiie boogie Kiiirby
Boogiiiiie boogie Kiiirby
Boogie boogie Kirby
Eatting all the melons
Got your head stuck in a big black cannon
Boogie boogie Kirby, whatcha gonna do?
Boogiiie boogie Kiiirby x4
Boogie boogie Kirby x4
No points for guessing what this is a spoof of :V
I cannot even remotely guess what this si meant to be a spoof of, but if I did I'd probably laugh harder than I'm doing now.