Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hello, Guize!

Heyo, HarpyKuro here. Decided that for the fun's sake, I have to make a blog. So here I am!

Really, I'm just a girl(not guy! I get mistaken for one a lot, haha) who enjoys gaming and anime, goes to college, and has a potty mouth (GASP!). I also like roleplaying. A lot. I'm usually floating around the net as HarpyKuro, Kuroma, or AlextheJanitor.

Usually I'll update this once a day, when I have spare time and energy.

And now for something to talk about! Fuck guests. They need to go away. I need my fucking sleep, goddammit. I swear to god if I have to deal with this up to 4 in the morning, I'm going to be soooo fucking pissed off. Seriously.


  1. Oh god yes, guests. Especially when they're uninvited. I tell you, just the other day I went to my local hangout and someone else decided "bar" meant "homeless shelter" and there were like a hundred homeless people in there. I mean, it's nice that we got them to come in from the cold and everything, but now it's so crowded! Psh, at least I can go to the beer garden on the roof if I need some solitude.

  2. You've got to be kidding me. Homeless people in a bar? What are they going to do with the smell? Those janitors are going to be on overtime. Jesus, I'm glad I'm not a janitor there!

    Otherwise I'd eat them all. Mmmm, humans.
