Thursday, September 29, 2011

An Interview with a Harpy

Yay silly RP stuff and such

Q. Are you really a black mage?

A. Of course I am. I know all of the spells, up to the -ja level. I even know FLAREJA. Oh, it doesn't even exist? Neither does Holyja, to my knowledge. That doesn't stop the white mage from using it, so it won't stop me!

Q. How'd you get behind the fourth wall, anyway?

A. Simple: A god did it. I was busy burning shit down for entertainment when god swooped in and said, "Hey, stop that! This is MY people you're hurting!" So of course I tried to set him on fire too, then he grabbed me, sealed me, then broke the fourth wall just to put me in a room full of nerds and otakus and Twilight fangirls. Oh, the horrors.

Q. So then, shouldn't you be angry at the people you're watching out of jealousy?

A. Naaah, I just want to join them. I'm only pissed off at the god. Now I'm stuck here and snarking on terrible fanfiction for his entertainment.

Q. Why is the rum gone?

A. I think Gezora spiked the Double Black Legend with it. Now Sarah's gonna be all like "DUUUUUR".

Q. Did you know that Red Mages are 100% cooler than black mages?


Q. Poyo? Poyo!

A. Hi, Kirby. This is not the place nor the time. Get out.

Q. Will someone crash the wedding?

A. If someone does, I'll grab them and eat them for breakfast. Nothing like fried villain with a side of fries.

Go ahead, ask all the questions you want. I'm listening. I'm all ears. And I'll answer them in the comments section, like a good little black mage.



    (also, according to the FFWiki, Holyja exists. I wouldn't have used it if it wasn't "real")

  2. (Oh, it DOES exist? Well, I'll be. )

  3. No-one had better crash this damn wedding. My dress can withstand gunfire from point-blank range and comes with a hidden handgun at the side of my chestplate.

    What, you though it'd be in my cleavage? That's actually a really bad place to store stuff. Trust me on this.

  4. Nobody will be crashing the wedding. Not on MY watch. And I have the perfect dessert planned for you all too.

    Yesssss . . .

  5. Shw us yuor tits!...uh, wiat taht's not a qsetoin.

    Wlil you show us yuor tits?
